2020-21 Grant Awards
for Educators

2020-21 Innovative Learning Grants
“Appy” Coding will add Merge Cubes and Bitsbox to a schoolwide coding and design course introducing Keith Valley Middle School students to new forms of technology.
Grant Authors: Valerie Fasy and Carol Miller
From Bean to Cup will give 9th graders the opportunity to roast coffee beans with Fresh Roast SR540 Roasters. Students will learn to assess the many factors, including heat, time, water quality, and agricultural origins, that enable professionals to ensure the perfect cup.
Grant Authors: Christian Bonner
Genius Hour is an educational program inspired by Google’s 20% Time Project to engage and empower students through self-directed inquiry.
Grant Authors: Kelly Bozzomo and Maureen Peterson
Giving Back to Those Who Gave; Celebrating the Generations Before Us will support the continuation of Blair Mill’s Day of Service by offering students educational programs in charitable giving with The Giving Tree.
Grant Authors: Ryan Thomas, Jen Glaize, Rachel Hockfield
KV Library's "Four-C-Able" Makerspace for Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking will add a Glowforge Laser Printer to the KV Library Makerspace, enabling students to design and laser cut objects from a variety of materials, including wood, paper, and acrylics.
Grant Authors: Lisa Quinn
The Leader Nextdoor Podcast will introduce a student-run podcast to the HHHS LINK Crew curriculum to engage students in meaningful conversations with inspiring community leaders.
Grant Authors: Vanessa DeLuca and Jim Shields
New DSLR Cameras and Lenses for HH Film & TV Classes will enable students to create short films and to shoot segments of the recently debuted HHHS weekly newsmagazine show, Under the Hat.
Grant Authors: Andrew Berchick
Portable Recording Studio will enable students to create their own recording studios, offering valuable lessons in acoustics, recording materials, sound quality, and the fundamentals of sound engineering.
Grant Authors: Mindy Rubinlicht
Robotics for All! will enable kindergartners and first graders to use simplified, transparent robots called Blue Bots to develop a fundamental understanding of how robots work.
Grant Authors: Kristina Skladaitis, Joe Perry, Beverly Visnov
What Am I Going to Do When I Grow Up? will engage students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in hands-on vocational activities, such as sorting and packaging items in an assembly sequence, to build skills that will serve them when they move beyond the classroom setting.
Grant Authors: Dawn Gallagher and Jill Moynahan
2020 Classroom Grants
Quick and Easy Posters for Link Crew - Hatboro-Horsham High School
A poster printer will enable LINK Crew to continue making their engaging posters, while allowing more time for rigorous leadership instruction.
Grant Author: Vanessa DeLuca
Reinforcers to Facilitate Learning and Engagement for Autistic Support Classroom - Keith Valley Middle School
Instructors will use kitchen tools and supplies to support autistic students as they learn to communicate and develop skills for everyday life.
Grant Author: Neha Parekh, Jill Moynahan, and Dawn Gallagher
Building Number Sense and Mathematical Reasoning Through Games - Blair Mill Elementary School
Games will be infused into math lessons to help students develop perseverance and to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.
Grant Author: Amy Ambler
#ClassroomBookADay Challenge - Crooked Billet Elementary School
This grant will supply books for a classroom library enabling 5th graders to participate in a #ClassroomBookADay
Grant Author: Tiffany Hood
Full STEAM Ahead- Connecting STEM with Literacy and Art - Hallowell Elementary School
Colorful picture books and art supplies will be used to offer students STEM-inspired, problem-solving challenges.
Grant Author: Elizabeth Schrader
Inspiring Young Minds to Do Great Things - Pennypack Elementary School
Using the WeDo core set, students will build robots and apply drag and drop coding concepts to program their robots.
Grant Author: Sharon Mirabelli
Sensory Items for Autistic Support Classroom - Simmons Elementary School
Sensory body socks, expandable sphere balls, liquid motion bubblers, noise reduction headphones, and other supplies will support learning in an autistic support classroom.
Grant Author: Molly Fitzpatrick
Building Supplies for STEM - All Elementary Schools
LEGOs and K’Nex will be used in elementary STEM classrooms district-wide for lessons in engineering design.
Grant Author: Kristina Skladaitis
See Previous Years' Grants:
Grants Awarded 2019-2020
Grants Awarded 2018-19