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Guest Presenter Series

Each year, the HHEF welcomes accomplished authors, speakers, and artists to present, perform and work with Hatboro-Horsham students. These experiences, from performing alongside an accomplished musician to hearing the motivational words of a renowned athlete, represent the extraordinary learning opportunities we endeavor to provide. Prior speakers have included M.I.T. professor and robotics pioneer, Woodie Flowers, children’s author David Kirk, basketball star Chris Heron, and the Cavani String Quartet. Whenever possible, our guests stay for an evening presentation for the community.

Guest Presenters 2019-2020

Floyd Cooper


The HHEF has recently welcomed author and illustrator Floyd Cooper to speak with 4th and 5th graders in all HHSD elementary schools. Mr. Cooper demonstrated his signature artistic technique known as oil erasure, shared the experiences that have shaped his career, and engaged the students by re-imagining their scribbles into new works of art. His presentation was woven with thoughtful anecdotes to show the students the patience and perseverance he needed to fulfill his dream. During his stay in Hatboro-Horsham, Mr. Cooper hosted meet and greets with selected students in each elementary school, reviewed the work of some of our young aspiring artists, and offered a workshop to our HHSD art community and HHEF members.


Learn more about Floyd Cooper




Steve Hoffman

In 2018, the HHEF launched Hatboro-Horsham's first scientist-in-residence program designed to introduce students to real-life applications of their classroom science lessons. This year's resident is Steve Hoffman, Director of Coffee, for One Village Coffee in Souderton. Mr. Hoffman is giving Mr. Bonner's high school science classes an in-depth look at the scientific process behind roasting perfection! Students have learned about the "roasting curve" -- the mathematics that determine how quickly and to what temperatures a bean is roasted and the machinery behind this intricate process. The scientist-in-residence program kicked-off with the students visiting the One Village roasting facility so they could begin their studies watching the masters at work!


Learn more about One Village Coffee

"The Trouble with My Name"
Reflecting the Latino-American Experience


Javier Ávila is a renowned author, professor, and poet. He began his career teaching English in Puerto Rico. He moved to America and became a professor and earned himself the 2015 Pennsylvania Professor of the Year Award.  Mr. Ávila will visit Keith Valley Middle School on October 10, 2019 where he will discuss his personal journey of being a Puerto Rican in America. His presentation, The Trouble with My Name, covers issues of language, race, and social justice all while embracing the diversity of our nation.


​Learn more about Javier Ávila



Laurie Halse Anderson


Laurie Halse Anderson is a New York Times bestselling author known for tackling tough subjects with humor and sensitivity. Her work has earned numerous national and state awards, as well as international recognition. Ms. Anderson visited Hatboro-Horsham High School on October 22, 2019 where she spoke to 9th and 10th grade students and gave insight into the characters and the inspiration behind the novel, Speak. She also offered a presentation for all seniors where she discussed her writing and editing process. 


Learn more about Laurie Halse Anderson

Past Presenters 2018-2019

Kulu Mele African Drum and Dance Ensemble


Kulu Mele preserves and presents the traditional dance music of Africa and the African Diaspora & celebrates contemporary African American culture. Kulu Mele performed a school-day assembly for all Pennypack Elementary students on January 12 as part of their annual Acceptance Day activities. In addition to this assembly, the HHEF held a community performance featuring Kulu Mele in the high school auditorium and a morning masterclass with the Ensemble’s dancers and drummers for percussionists at the high school.


​Learn more about Kulu Mele

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Ellen Sabin


​Author Ellen Sabin helped the Hatboro-Horsham School District launch the use of her fun, STEM-inspired interactive workbook, Imagine It, in 4th grade classrooms district wide.

A study of inventions and the qualities of the world’s great inventors and problem-solvers inspired the students of Hatboro-Horsham to explore their own creativity and to find the inventor within!


​Learn more about Ellen Sabin

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