2023-24 Innovative Learning Grants

2018-19 Grant Recipients

POETRY POWER HOUR WILLEENA BOOKER HALLOWELL ELEMENTARY, GRADES K-5 Janet Wong is the 2021 winner of the NCTE Excellence in Poetry for Children award, a lifetime achievementaward that is one of the highest honors a children's poet can receive. Ms. Wong will conduct several assembles and writing sessions with stents, encouraging caldren's love of poetry and the writing process. ($4,000)
REGULATING WITH REMY AND ROSIE HALLOWELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GRADES K-5 Remy and Rosie will be trained to become facility dogs which will help students improve academic skills, deal with stress, remain calm, overcome depression, and increase social skills. Remy and Rosie will help students learn empathy, sharing, and patience. ($2,520)
BLACK HISTORY MONTH CHORAL CONCERT EXPERIENCE CHARLIE MASTERS HATBORO HORSHAM HIGH SCHOOL, GRADES 9-12 Students will have the opportunity to immerse in Deeper Learning Initiatives while working side-by-side with a leading professional music artist/composer. Students will have firsthand experience at growing Cultural Responsivenesand Aesthetic Exprecion by exploring identity. difference, and connection, through the lens ofmusic practice and performance. An evening performance will be the culminating activity. ($5,500)
STOP ANIMATION PRESENTATIONS THAT MOVE AMY AMBLER ALL HUSD ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, GRADE K-5 Students will use Stop Animation to create innovative presentations during their project-based karning units. This equipment will allow students to use the latest technologies to bring their learning to life. ($1,367)
KVMS STEM LAB 2.0 JON KIRCHER & JASON PATTEN KEITH VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL, GRADES 6-8 Crow Mark ¡ew technolocies are needed to increme students knowledee and prepartion for the divital world. KV is striving to teach students to be digitally literate and to maximize their understanding and ability to navigate that work as they fish their time in the middle school. The additional materialsthis grant provides will enable the students at KV to reach this goal. ($6,000)
CROOKED BILLET LEADERSHIP PROGRAM SARAH CARNER CROOKED BILLET ELEMENTARY, GRADE 4-5 Student leaders can influence positive behaviors, and engage their fellow students, often in more impactful ways than their teachers. Programs that specifically focus on crucial leadership skills are rare in the elementary level. This program will build of the successful pilot program CB has begun this year and the LINK Crew program at the HSStudents will have the opportunity to participate in the leadership opportunities throughout the year ($3,342)
ADAPTED INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS LYNNE BARONETT & JUSTIN HAGAR SIMMONS ELEMENTARY, GRADES K-5 Physical education activities will be more accessible to the Life Skills Support students. Students that were previously unable to participate in a range of activities, will now have access to equipment that will enable them to engage in physical education ($1,060)
NEURO SIMULATION STATIONS MELISSA BURLEIGH HHHS GRADES 9-12 The Psychology Unit "biology and behavior/neurology, will be enhanced using a hands-on interactive kit that includes goggles, activities and tools the students need in order to participate in simulated activities to safely experience how a traumatic brain injury and psychological drug affect behavior and thought process. ($4,113)
ELEMENTARY ROBOTICS REFRESH ALL HUSD ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Ten Lego Education SPIKE Prime' Sets will replace the current Lego robotics kits being used. The current kits have been discontinued. These new kits will allow students to work more efficiently, using updated technology, in their STEM classes and clubs.
FURREVER FRIENDS CONTINUATION GRANT BETH TRACZYKIEWICK & LAURA COUCH CROOKED BILLET ELEMENTARY Hanson and Spencer, therapy dogs, will continue their work with students in various places around the school. Two more dogs handlers will be trained so that more students and staff can benefit from the positive aspects this program has already brought to Crooked Billet. ($1,500)
PODCASTING EQUIPMENT NICHOLAS SNYDER HHHS Podcasting equipment will be purchased (microphones, headphones, interfaces, memory cards, etc.) to teach students how to create podcasts and how to make a positvedigital footprint. ($1,000)
Materials designed to improve students executive functioning skills by helping them reflect on the exceptional functions their mind istrying to control and finding ways to improve then level of functioning
ENHANCING SOCIAL EMOTIONAL PLAY IN THE KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM SHARON SCHUCH CROOKED BILLET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GRADE K-5 Sensory Paths gives students a chance to walk, jump, bounce, and move, developing motor skills including balance, hand-eye coordination, and special awareness.
JENNIFER LLOYD SIMMONS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GRADE 1 First grade students are learning to read independently and are developing a lashinglove of reading. These classroom libraries allow students to choose books that reflect diversity of cultures, identities, and experiences of our community and world.
SENSORY ART PROJECTS SIMMONS ELEMENTARY, GRADES K-5 Supplies will be purchased for multi-sensory art projects for a special needs classroom.
KEEPING THE PEACE MELISSA BREEN HALLOWELL ELEMENTARY, GRADES 3-5 A peer mediation group will provide opportunities for students to practice conflict